Georgia Research Environmental Economic Network, Inc. header with photo of Savannah mayour signing proclamation for GREEN

Who We Are: Georgia Research Environmental Economic Network, Inc. (GREEN) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to build community sustainability through collaborative networks formed with community, government, business, and other stakeholders.

What We Do: GREEN seeks to grow a smarter Savannah community by coordinating geospatial education workshops leading to future job creations that are more in line with the technological evolution we are currently experiencing. In addition, the organization seeks to build collaborative partners strategically with government (local and state), organizations, and businesses.

GREEN achieves its goal by educating and providing awareness on port goods movement activities and environmental conservation/adaptation projects. They also offer specialized trainings, courses, seminars, and summits to help community members gain employment or develop entrepreneurial skills. The organization is an advocate for the community while collaborating with businesses to address long-standing environmental and health challenges and creating new opportunities for all vested community members and its core concepts are to grow smarter communities, conduct independent research, promote environmental and social justice, support equitable economic development, network regionally, expand globally, and create technological advancement.

GREEN’s philosophy is a sustainable community engages community participation and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions.

As part of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities"  Welcoming Communy Movement, Reverend Vernell and Anita Cutter have joined forces with the Georgia Research Environment Economic Network (GREEN) in Savannah, GA to work on social justice issues. Their main clients are returning citizens – people who have been released from incarceration. “How do we as a community say we see you have paid your debt?” explained Anita about their goal to create a more welcoming community. Vernell has been doing the legwork in the community with one-on-one meetings with recently returned citizens with and without intellectual disabilities as well as with state and local legislators. The goal is to welcome all back into the community and help them feel they are valuable citizens. Future plans by the Cutters include creating a Community Action Team for guiding returning individuals to embrace and work on turning their lives around, showing society their value and to voice the stories of the issues they face as they return to their communities

Click here to read an article about GREEN.