The GCDD Storytelling Project

Everyone has a story to tell.
The people you will meet here are kids, young adults, college students, athletes, employees, adults, entrepreneurs, siblings, parents – all with a story.
These are funny, heartwarming, challenging, amazing stories about people with developmental disabilities who are living, working and advocating for their rights – and disability rights in Georgia. All want to be included in social circles, workplaces and communities of their choice. Just like all of us.
In 2018 and 2019, the Georgia Council of Developmental Disabilities teamed up with talented writers and photographers who set out across the state to collect some great stories about people with developmental disabilities. The Storytelling Project was born.
Our original 100 stories span Georgia's 56 state senate districts, these stories feature at least one individual who resides in each district – allowing this project to become a vehicle of advocacy for Georgians living with disabilities.
Learn more and read stories about The GCDD Storytelling Project. The stories will inspire you on how to tell your own story to make a difference!