John Lewis Sends Exclusive Message for Disability Day 2015

9 years ago
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My dear brothers and sisters, I know we are here to celebrate, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act. We’ve made a lot of progress, we’ve come a distance, but we still have a distance to go. So I say to you, we must never ever give up or give in or give out. We must hold to our dreams and keep pushing, keep speaking up, keep speaking out, and find a way to get in the way. Get in good trouble, necessary trouble. That’s what I did many years ago, 50 years ago, to march across that bridge in Selma. And, that’s what we did 25 years ago when we cast that vote. I was so pleased.

I know what it is to be disabled. I grew up with a deaf brother who taught me a great deal. So none of us, not one of us, not any of us must be left out or left behind. I will continue to stand and fight for what is right and fair and just. Thank you very much, have a great celebration.